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Thursday November 19, 2020
All Pacific times

About The Press Conference

There are literally millions of transformational conversations happening every week via videoconference, mostly on zoom. And by “transformational“, I mean conversations which address head-on the questions of how do we save, heal and transform life on Earth, in the face of exponentially growing disaster, death and mass extinction.

There are two fundamental problems which are endemic to this entire set of millions of transformational conversations:

  1. These conversations are, for the most part, quite separate and isolated from each other. There are exceptions, but on the whole, this is the case.
  2. These conversations are not leading to the urgent actions which need to be implemented at planetary scale, if we are to have a real chance at coming out the other side of this, not only surviving but thriving

The preceding two problems are self-reinforcing, resulting in a “normal“ of conversations which remain, for the most part, abstract, theoretical, and in many cases narcissistic. Again, there are exceptions, and if you are reading this in 2020, you very likely represent one of those exceptions.

The heart of our thesis is this: we urgently need to link and connect as many of these conversations as are willing, together into a vast hyper-connected Network of Conversations, characterized in turn by:

  1. Participating conversations, typically recurring weekly conversations with a particular focus and a small community centered around that focus, actively reaching out to other transformational conversations, to connect, cross-pollinate both people and ideas, and establish relationships where either of the two-or-more conversations in question can reach out to the other(s) as frequently as needed for support.
  2. Participating conversations, and their humans (humans won’t be the only ones “at the table“ in these conversations; AI is playing an exponentially growing role in conversation, but that is neither central to nor necessary for our thesis, so if you prefer, please ignore the contents of this parenthetic tangent) are committed to “play the real game” of saving, healing and transforming life on Earth.
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Climate Healers
1 Comment
  • Rebecca Allen
    Posted at 01:37h, 16 January Reply

    Great resources here. Thank you!

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