Punching Holes in the Dam of Denial

“People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed” – Friedrich Nietzsche.

Share Vega’s message about animal agriculture and climate change.
Share Vega’s message about Food Healers.

Dear Climate Healers,

In “Man’s Search for Meaning,” holocaust survivor, Viktor Frankl explores the importance of meaning in life as the key to survival. In a global sense, is humanity’s search for meaning now over? As soon as we admitted that we are changing the climate of the planet, we automatically owned the responsibility for harmonizing the climate in service to all life on earth. Whether we like it or not, we are holding the climate steering wheel on Spaceship Earth and we better figure out how to pilot it soon.

To be a good pilot, we need to face facts head on. C. S. Lewis viewed denial as the shock absorber for the soul. It protects us until we are equipped to cope with reality. But we better start coping with reality soon as six runaway climate tipping points are already triggered or likely to get triggered in the next few years. For starters, just as Spaceship Apollo 11 would not have led to a giant leap for mankind if Neil Armstrong gorged on the majority of the food to become fat and sick, Buzz Aldrin ate Neil’s leftovers, while Michael Collins starved to death, we cannot expect our piloting of Spaceship Earth to lead to a giant leap into sustainability with the present system of normalized violence and its routine injustices.

Over the course of 10,000 years, we have built a huge dam of denial to buttress this patriarchal system of domination, deception, death, disease and destruction that is HEATing up the planet. The dam of denial is holding back the sea of unconditional love that is the main answer to our predicament. The dominant player in our global economic system, the corporate sector, uses the art of deception to routinely deal death for the animals, diseases for human beings and destruction for the planet, all for short-term profit.

A short poignant video by Sai Vignesh on social media shows two women weeping over the abuse of dairy animals in India at the hands of men. Women would never have designed a system that abuses the feminine of another species like this. Isn’t it time for men to step aside and let the women, specifically the Million Vegan Grandmothers, lead us into a matriarchal system of humility, honesty, health, happiness and harmony that can heal the planet?

Donella Meadows, a heroine of ours, was a systems specialist and the lead author on the original Limits to Growth report to the Club of Rome in 1972. Two years before she died tragically in 2001 at the age of 59, she published her famous paper listing twelve leverage points in any system that can be used to transform the system.

We view these leverage points as vertical positions where we can punch holes in the dam of denial that is holding back the sea of unconditional love. The most effective leverage point, “the power to shift paradigms,” rests entirely with the people. It is we, the people, who enshrined these systems that have devolved into the violent ones that are oppressing us all today. It is we, the people, who can enshrine new nonviolent systems. When we choose to do that, we would have punched a huge gaping hole at the very bottom of the dam of denial.

At Climate Healers, we have been primarily focused on the next most effective leverage point, “the mindset or paradigm that the system arises from.” The False Axiom of Consumerism that the pursuit of happiness can be best accomplished by stoking and satisfying a never ending series of desires, leading to the infinite consumption model, the False Axiom of Supremacism that life is a competitive game in which those who have gained an advantage may possess, enslave and exploit animals, nature and the disadvantaged, and Artificial Scarcity (e.g., World Hunger) are the three foundational pillars of our violent Climate HEATing system.

No amount of tweaking with the lesser system leverage points like government subsidies can lead us into sustainability as long as our system rests on these false pillars. We don’t need to be rocket scientists to figure out that an infinite consumption model is fundamentally unsustainable. Therefore, we have no choice but to create an entirely new nonviolent system built on three pillars aligned with the truth: the True Axiom of Inner Peace, that the pursuit of happiness is best accomplished by seeking it within ourselves, leading to the finite consumption model, the True Axiom of Unity, that all life is one family in which we each bring our unique skills to give all we can, receive all we need and become all we are, and Natural Bounty (e.g., Food Healers).

Donella Meadows advised that the best way to deal with this second leverage point is to repeatedly and consistently point out these anomalies to those with open minds.

The third most effective leverage point is to change the goals of the system. The goals of our present system is to accumulate wealth in the hands of a few and ensure that they have access to the most exotic product at any time. Hence, the vastly unequal distribution of planetary resources across the human family. An unconscious goal is to HEAT the planet so that it can never go back to another ice age again.

Since the first two goals are so egregious, we humans extract six times as much food as we need from the planet and yet manage to starve nearly a billion people routinely. Therefore, the goals of the Climate Healing system must be to distribute planetary resources as needed from the bottom up so that every one feels like they belong, just as they managed to do on Spaceship Apollo 11. A conscious goal must be to heal the climate and harmonize it within stable limits in service to all of life.

Surely, the next few years will go down in history as the most creative period in the human saga as we implement this system transformation. We wish our grandchildren and their friends well as they chronicle this history in the future.

Thank you for your support.

HELP us every day to

Heal the planet.
Eat plants.
Love animals.
Plant trees.

It’s that simple.

Thanks again for being a superhero and joining our herd. Please forward this post to all your friends and let’s grow our MOOOvement together.

With much love,

Sailesh on behalf of the Climate Healers Core team.

(Alison, Amit, Anne, BJ, Carl, Dakota, Dani, Deborah, Debra, Gabriele, Giva, Jamen, Kelly, Ken, Krish, Lisa, Liz, Maggie, Marco, Paige, Pareen, Paul, Ray, Sailesh, Sarah, Shankar, Stacey, Suzanne, Tami and Vega, the Cow and Climate Healer and her Veguitas)


PS: If you are looking for Vega’s weekly update on “50 Ways to Leave My Udder“, please click here.


Sailesh Rao
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