Dear Humans,
Imagine if we divided the earth up with lots of fences and kept herds in different enclosures.
Some enclosures quickly run out of fodder and the cows starve.
Other enclosures have so much fodder that the herds cannot eat all that food. The grass grows so tall that the cows can’t even see each other. The herds get broken up and the cows become isolated and depressed.
In all enclosures, the cows are not happy.
What is the solution, you ask?
Moo, tear down the fences, silly. The earth should be free of fences. Cows should be free to go anywhere. Then, herds can mix and match and be happy everywhere.
Moo, tear down the fences, silly. The earth should be free of fences. Cows should be free to go anywhere. Then, herds can mix and match and be happy everywhere.
So it is with humans. Some humans have no food and starve. They live in food deserts.
Others have so much food that they waste it. They isolate themselves, eat too much and get sick. They serve the food to animals, eat the animals and get even sicker.
Everywhere, humans are not happy. What is the solution, you ask?
Moo, do I have to spell it out? You know my methods, dear human.
Join my herd. We can heal the climate with cowrage. Yes we can.
Heal the planet.
Eat plants.
Love animals.
Plant trees.
It’s that simple.
Thanks again for being a superhero. Please forward this link to all your friends and let’s grow our MOOvement together.