2023: The Year of the GrandMothers

Dear Climate Healers,

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” – Jimi Hendrix.


Share Vega’s message about animal agriculture and climate change.
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As we begin the New Year with the 7 Days of Rest and Return to Essence, we have been honoring the power of love that is accumulating around the world in these troubled times. The first five sessions from Jan 1-5 have been truly inspiring and they have provided a great start to 2023. You can replay them all at the Climate Healers Facebook page here.

Now, Tami Hay, the founder of the Million Vegan Grandmothers, is calling all Grandmothers (and Grandfathers and Mothers and Fathers) to join the 7th day on Saturday, Jan 7 at 9am PT in our Convergence Zoom room to strategize how we can harness our global kinship within the human family and with non-human animals in order to amplify the power of love and help it overcome the love of power that has been dominating human societies for millennia.

We are at a unique moment when environmental collapse has heightened global awareness of our inter-connectedness with each other and with all of life. Though the love of our power over non-human animals and over less fortunate humans has thus far exceeded the power of our love for animals and fellow humans, this is about to change as we internalize the ecological catastrophe we would be bequeathing generations to come if we don’t dig deep, amplify and harness that power of love. While as a parent, I love my children, as a grandparent, I absolutely adore my granddaughter and would do everything In my power to prevent anyone from hurting even a single hair on her head. Such is the enormous power of sacred love that our grandchildren invoke.

These are ecologically troubled times. The second bomb cyclone and torrential rainfall has hit California over the past two weeks and very few people now doubt that the Earth’s climate is going haywire because of human activities. My heart goes out to all those who are suffering due to this onslaught of Nature.

Haven’t we all suffered enough? Our ancestors suffered greatly in this unconscious enterprise that we collectively undertook for millennia to heat up the earth until it can never go back to another ice age again. Though we have access to more than enough resources on the planet to meet all of our basic human needs today, our economic system has failed to meet these needs for almost everyone, causing enormous collective suffering up and down the economic ladder.

While nearly a billion people are food insecure and don’t get their caloric needs met at the bottom rung of the economic ladder, those at the top are gorging on rich foods and don’t get their nutritional needs met. In the richest country in human history, an estimated 95% of the US population are not getting their daily requirement for fiber, 94.3% for vitamin D, 88.5% for vitamin E, 52.2% for magnesium, 44.1% for calcium, 43.0% for vitamin A, and 38.9% for vitamin C.

This also highlights the lack of adequate nutritional education in the US population, which in turn, is an abject failure of the education system. The US education system and education systems around the world, for that matter, are geared more towards propagating the four deadly dietary deceptions than in providing honest nutritional education to their students. To paraphrase the cowrageous Mayor Eric Adams of New York City, all of us have been betrayed by the education system.

The problem is not just with meeting our nutritional needs. We have also been systematically betrayed with respect to meeting our other basic needs. While people are inadequately clothed at the bottom rung of the economic ladder, those at the top are wearing one-and-done fashionable clothing that leaches toxins into their bodies. These well-to-do folks then suffer from the long-term consequences of this slow poisoning.

While people are inadequately housed at the bottom rung of the economic ladder as we see tent cities proliferate around the global, those at the top are hopping around in their private planes from one empty mansion to another, while suffering from an epidemic of loneliness.

Yet, the suffering of the human population pales in comparison to the suffering of farmed animals and wild animals as we exploit them relentlessly. All this suffering for millennia would be worth it, only if it results in our global transformation from a Climate HEATing civilization to a Climate Healing civilization within the next few years. This can only happen if the power of love we accumulate globally exceeds the love of power that is anchoring the power hierarchy of the Climate HEATing civilization.

Therefore, more power to Tami Hay, the Million Vegan Grandmothers and all they aim to accomplish. To assist them, I propose that we designate 2023 to be the Year of the Grandmothers. All Grandfathers, Mothers and Fathers are welcome to contribute as the singling out of Grandmothers is to highlight the intense maternal, care-taking instinct that is inborn within each and every one of us, no matter our gender identity, and which finds its greatest expression in grandmothers.

Here’s wishing us all a very happy New Year, 2023! May we have the cowrage to contribute meaningfully to the Year of the Grandmothers!

Thank you for your support.

HELP US on World Food Healers day and every day to

Heal the planet.
Eat plants.
Love animals.
Plant trees.

It’s that simple.

Thanks again for being a superhero and joining our herd. Please forward this post to all your friends and let’s grow our MOOvement together.

With much love,
Sailesh on behalf of Vega, Cow and Climate Healer and the Climate Healers team