Dear Climate Healers,
“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision” – Helen Keller.
Share Vega’s message about animal agriculture and climate change.
Share Vega’s message about Food Healers.
As a practical alternative to the largely ineffective annual UN Climate Change meetings, the Conferences Of the Parties (COPs), Climate Healers has been organizing a quarterly Vegan Convergence Of the Peoples (V-COPs). The 12th edition of V-COP, V-COP12, will be happening this weekend on Saturday, Jan 28 – Sunday, Jan 29, 2023. The schedule for the Convergence looks absolutely amazing. To join us, please register here.
The UN COPs are largely ineffective because they keep ignoring the Cow in the Room. It’s a common pastime – ignoring the Cow in the Room.
Al Gore does it.
Bill Gates does it.
Paul Hawken does it.
Most major environmental organizations do it.
Most governments do it.
The obvious solution to the world’s greatest environmental ills – biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse, tropical deforestation, ocean dead zones, toxic pollution and climate change – is to stop animal agriculture. That one action will not only solve environmental degradation, but it will heal us all physically, emotionally and spiritually as well.
Yet some people go to great lengths to twist the facts and pretend like they are doing something serious, while deliberately ignoring the Cow in the Room. Bill Gates was doing it the other day. One would think that as the former Chief Executive of a large software company, he would have the sense to understand that patching up cancers with band-aids will only come back to bite us all in the rear end, again and again. But, moooooo….
Bill Gates is sinking millions into a new startup that is cooking up a special seaweed diet for cows to prevent them from burping too much methane. As if methane burps are the only problem with the multi-faceted global ecological disaster that is animal agriculture.
Surely, he knows better. But, moooooo again….
Vega, the Cow in the Room, refuses to be ignored any longer. From this newsletter forward, she will have her own weekly corner enumerating the 50 ways to leave her udder, a parody on the classic Paul Simon song, “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover.” It is a joint project with Switch4Good, the non-profit founded by our dear friend, the Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch. Switch4Good debuted the original “50 Ways to Leave the Udder” that you can download here.
Vega’s weekly cartoons will be drawn by Climate Healer, Maggie Stensholt and they will be in celebration and support of the new documentary, Maa Ka Doodh (Mother’s Milk): Uncovering a Nation’s Dairy Disaster, that is premiering here on Jan 26, 2023. Her cartoons are dedicated to the memory of the 825 million children* who are unable to drink their mother’s milk because humans stole it from them. Therefore, Vega’s singular objective is to help Bill Gates and others like him see her clearly and address our global ecological crises with integrity.
Here are the lyrics for the “50 Ways to Leave Her Udder” version of the Paul Simon song:
“The problem is all inside your head,” she said to me
“The answer is easy if you take it logically
I’d like to help you in your struggle to be free
There must be 50 ways to leave my udder”
She said, “It’s really not my habit to intrude
Furthermore, I hope my meaning won’t be lost or misconstrued
But I’ll repeat myself at the risk of being crude
There must be 50 ways to leave my udder
50 ways to leave my udder”
You just leave out the yak, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don’t need to be Soy Boy
Just get yourself free
Give up the pus, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just squeeze out the pea, Lee
And get yourself free
You just leave out the yak, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don’t need to be Soy Boy
Just listen to me
Give up the pus, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just squeeze out the pea, Lee
And get yourself free
She said
It grieves me so to see you in such pain
I wish there was something I could do
To make you smile again
I said
I appreciate that, and would you please explain
About the 50 ways
She said, “Why don’t we both just sleep on it tonight
And I believe in the morning, you will begin to see the light”
And then she kissed me, and I realized she probably was right
There must be 50 ways to leave her udder
50 ways to leave her udder
You just leave out the yak, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don’t need to be Soy Boy
Just get yourself free
Give up the pus, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just squeeze out the pea, Lee
And get yourself free
You just leave out the yak, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don’t need to be Soy Boy
Just listen to me
Give up the pus, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just squeeze out the pea, Lee
And get yourself free
Please support Vega wholeheartedly and pass this message on to Bill Gates, if you can. We plead with everyone to muster the CowRage to face facts squarely and step forward to join us in educating such deluded billionaires. We don’t have the luxury to politely go along with their eccentric projects designed to keep their billionaire status secure, while the planet burns around us.
Thank you for your support.
HELP US on World Food Healers day and every day to
Heal the planet.
Eat plants.
Love animals.
Plant trees.
It’s that simple.
Thanks again for being a superhero and joining our herd. Please forward this post to all your friends and let’s grow our MOOvement together.
With much love,
Sailesh on behalf of Vega, Cow and Climate Healer and the Climate Healers core team
(Alison, BJ, Carl, Chip, Debra, Gabriele, Kelly, Ken, Kimaya, Krish, Maggie, Marco, Paige, Pareen, Ray, Sailesh, Shankar, Stacey, Tami and Vega, the Cow and Climate Healer).
* Our world in data reports 886.862 million tons of milk production in 2020 with an average of 1.0752 tons of milk per year per milk producing animal, leading us to conclude that there were 825 million milk producing animal mothers in the world in 2020.