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If you’re against one form of animal suffering, you should be against them all. Many people adopt a vegetarian diet because they care about animals, but the extreme cruelty animals face in the meat industry is just as inherent in the egg and dairy industries...

In the latest edition of Science there is one such attempt to get the politicians and the public to raise their gaze. Entomologists have been assessing diversity and abundance across western Germany and have found that between 1989 and 2013 the biomass of invertebrates caught...

"Rarely does a day go by without new vegan options coming out. For example, supermarket giant Sainsbury’s recently launched a new line of vegan cheese, which exceeded expected sales by 300%. Elsewhere, for example in Australia, Germany, Russia and the US, similar trends have emerged. The...

It’s no mystery that our planet is in peril, and while many solutions have been proposed—from taking shorter showers to driving a hybrid—you may be surprised to learn that these pale in comparison to the environmental consequences of our food choices. Simple and delicious adjustments...

"Pop culture media outlet Konbini recently conducted research to ascertain the biggest meme—a photo with overlaid text—trends of 2016. Using a tool similar to that of Google trends on meme aggregator website, Konbini found that the usage of the word “vegan” (in both positive...   We are in the midst of the greatest public health crisis of all time. No, it’s not the obesity epidemic or the diabetes crisis or the cancer crisis or heart disease, but the principal root cause of them all: our mass addiction to animal foods. Consider...

In a recent article entitled, “Why I Would Not Advocate Vegetarianism,” Dr. Sunita Narain summarizes her reasons thus: “As an Indian (I underline Indian) environmentalist I would not advocate vegetarianism for the following reasons. One, India is a secular nation and the culture of eating food...

Since we humans are an animal species, it is obvious that human rights are a form of animal rights; and that animal rights include – or should include – the human species. Sadly, not everyone sees it this way. Many view humans and other animals as...

If the world adopted a vegan diet in the year 2050, in that single year it could cut greenhouse gas emissions by two thirds, save $1.5trillion in climate damages and healthcare-related expenditure, and reduce global mortality by 10 per cent, which means eight fewer million...

Wright reviewed archaeological evidence documenting the first appearances of pastoralism across the Saharan region, and compared this with records showing the spread of scrub vegetation, an indicator of an ecological shift towards desert-like conditions. The findings confirmed his thoughts; beginning approximately 8,000 years ago in...

Modern factory farming involves not only quantities of livestock that had previously been unimaginable, but also conditions and treatment that in the past would have led religiously observant Jews to consider the consumption of such creatures as forbidden by Jewish law...

Although you see veganism as a choice, it is as much a choice as is choosing to not to be racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, ageist and so on. We can choose to be any of those things and, in some circles, those choices are celebrated....

Survivalism, the practice of preparing for a crackup of civilization, tends to evoke a certain picture: the woodsman in the tinfoil hat, the hysteric with the hoard of beans, the religious doomsayer. But in recent years survivalism has expanded to more affluent quarters, taking root...

It is in our nature to need stories. We arrive “biologically prepared” for them. They were evolutionarily crucial. We feel and think in story-logic (story-causality configures our reaction-biology)...

Why do most researchers in ‘normal science’, for example, ignore the benefits of a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet on human health? And why do the same ‘normal science’ researchers assume the safety of genetically modified (GM) foods? Two seemingly separate ideas sharing the same...

Photo by Marilyn Cornelius, taken at the Op ML protest outside Al Gore's Climate Reality Leadership training in San Francisco, Nov 2012. Imagine going to a doctor with a persistent mild fever and a lump the size of a coconut by the side of your head....