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Most countries have already made voluntary pledges to roll out clean energy and cut carbon emissions, and Prof John Schellnhuber said the best hope of making nations keep their promises was moral pressure. “If some countries really honour their pledges, including China, Brazil, South Africa, US...

Graphene has the potential to replace and bring about the rapid demise of fossil fuels as an energy source, possibly within a decade and this alone justifies its description as a ‘wonder material’....

A devastating critique of the US National Climate Action Plan, i.e., the Intended Nationally Defined Contribution (INDC), as submitted to COP-21 in Paris. The plan appears to be just greenwashed business-as-usual, which is precisely what President Obama can hope to get approval through the current...

Climate science is shaking up the world as we know it.  It is destabilizing the establishment and threatening the interests of some of the most powerful financial groups.  The facts regarding the key causes of climate change are also challenging many of our most favorite...

How can so many Americans support practices that, when made visible, are so horrifying that we are forced to look away? The answer, surprisingly, lies in another historical example of normalized violence: foot-binding in China....

Toronto Pig Save's Anita Krajnc says to them every pig matters and they are challenging the idea that animals are property...

Study co-author and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change sea-level expert Anders Levermann noted that if swift carbon reductions are not implemented, "further greenhouse-gas emission will heighten the risk of an ice collapse in West Antarctica and more unstoppable sea-level rise." Otherwise, he warned, rising oceans...