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Toronto Pig Save's Anita Krajnc says to them every pig matters and they are challenging the idea that animals are property...

Study co-author and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change sea-level expert Anders Levermann noted that if swift carbon reductions are not implemented, "further greenhouse-gas emission will heighten the risk of an ice collapse in West Antarctica and more unstoppable sea-level rise." Otherwise, he warned, rising oceans...

"The meat industry, which is attacking the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), has less credibility than the Flat Earth Society. IARC is the gold standard for rigor, comprehensiveness, and reasonableness — all qualities in short supply in the meat industry and its friends...

If an institution doesn't practice Ahimsa, it shouldn't pretend to be a Hindu temple...

COP-21 will not be serious about addressing climate change. Not only is animal agriculture off the table, so is aviation, commercial shipping and biofuels… Experts will soon gather in Paris for the annual UN Climate Change Conference to discuss how to cut carbon emissions and halt...