Re- educate
our world.

Watch, learn and share.

It starts with Education. Eye-opening webinars that lay bare the untruths we are told, and which shine a light on the abuses of our planet and nature all carried out in the name of economic ‘growth’.


Watch and discover the truth.

So much of what we are told about climate change, animal husbandry and even veganism is lies, half-truths and distortions.

In these webinars our speakers get to the truth and show you how you can be a force for positive change for tomorrow today.

The Sustainable Animal Agriculture Humane Hoax Exposed

Background, context and gaslighting. Plus key findings

The Cowspiracy Webinar
Climate Change Truth regarding Animal Agriculture
(June 29, 2019)

Discussing questions arising from The Cowspiracy film.

“How Not To Go Extinct” Webinar Series (part one)
Overview – The Climate Healers Hypothesis
(Feb 9, 2019)

Life is a self-correcting process and compassion for all life is infinitely sustainable.

“How Not To Go Extinct” Webinar Series (part two)
Political: Make America Brave Again
(Mar 9, 2019)

Division is becoming working together. Destruction of the planet is turning into regeneration.

“How Not To Go Extinct” Webinar Series (part three)
Social: Make Humanity Belong Again
(Apr 13, 2019)

The social aspect of the current transformation, coming together as humanity.

“How Not To Go Extinct” Webinar Series (part four)
Ecological: Make Earth Green Again
(May 11, 2019)

Doing nothing is not an option. But Extinction Rebellion do not have the answers either.

“How Not To Go Extinct” Webinar Series (part five)
Spiritual: Make God Great Again
(Jun 8, 2019)

Making reality align with who we are and what we do.

“How Not To Go Extinct” Webinar Series (part six)
Part 6: Economy: Vegan World 2026!
(Jul 13, 2019)

From a money driven economy to a service driven economy.

“How Not To Go Extinct” Webinar Series (part seven)
Personal: How You Can Solve Climate Change TODAY!
(Aug 10, 2019)
How the personal becomes the political and the social.
Hindu Symbols and Veganism
How these symbols aid us in embracing a vegan lifestyle.

Change the

Powerful documentaries delivered with passion.

There is so much we aren’t being told or told badly. These remarkable documentaries expose lies, illuminate truths and offer serious food for thought.