A Critical Look at UN IPCC’s Emissions Accounting
What do you get when you mix science with politics? Pure politics...
What do you get when you mix science with politics? Pure politics...
Great things are done by a series of small things...
Falsehood flies and the Truth comes limping after it...
When did fact checking and journalism go their separate ways?...
The invisible hand has never picked up the check...
What do you get when you mix science and politics? - Pure politics...
Power never concedes without a demand...
The Truth alone will prevail...
Have the courage to face the truth...
Imagine the world as it should be and work for it...
To be rid of illusions, if it does not break our courage, is a liberating experience...
It only seems impossible until it is done...
The moral arc of the universe bends at the elbow of justice...
Love the Earth as you would love yourself...
Love your parents and treat them with loving care...
Are we elders doing everything we can to solve their problems?.....
A voice goes up from our devastated earth: Disarm! Disarm!...
Motherhood is going through life with your heart outside your body...
This is precisely the time when artists go to work...
If Earth improves as a result of human presence, then we will flourish. If not, then we will perish...
The world is not such a terrible place, as long as you look at it wrong...
Do everything you can possibly do and then a lot more...
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going...
When you remove the cobwebs of ignorance, the truth always shines through...
The most powerful force in Nature is a woman's instinct to protect...