Dr. Garth Davis on the common criticisms of What The Health

Editor’s Note: The popularity of the Netflix documentary “What the Health” has sparked a lively debate about the dangers of the standard American diet and the power of a plant-based lifestyle to prevent and reverse deadly diseases. Some of the film’s critics have alleged that doctors featured in “What the Health” are biased and pushing a pro-vegan agenda.

I wish people wouldn’t look at “What The Health” as doctors promoting a vegan agenda. There was no meeting of vegans where an agenda was planned for world domination.

Rather, we are physicians that, after years of research, reached the conclusion that Western medicine’s lack of emphasis on the importance of nutritional science has left the public at the mercy of industry and snake oil salesmen.

We are physicians that have realized, after ignoring the dogma we are fed, and after scrutinizing the science, that a plant-based diet is the best preventative medicine available.


Sailesh Rao
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