12 Jan Another World is Possible – The World of Planet B
“The invisible hand has never picked up the check” – Kim Stanley Robinson.
Share Vega’s message about animal agriculture and climate change.
Share Vega’s message about Food Healers.
Dear Climate Healers Family,
We just endured the hottest year on record, the first to exceed 1.5C above pre-industrial levels for annual global average temperature. Now, one of the richest parts of the world is engulfed in flames, fanned by 90 mph winds, clearly exacerbated by climate change.
Yet the global climate disinformation campaign continues.
Mainstream climate spokespeople keep talking about fossil fuels without breathing a single word about the leading cause of climate change, animal agriculture, all while complaining about the lies told by the fossil fuel industry.
Today, under every Youtube video on climate change, you will see a supposedly helpful advisory from Google attributed to the United Nations as follows:
United Nations: Climate change refers to the long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas (my emphasis).
What does the UN’s data actually show? When we take into account all the atmospheric heating and cooling effects that humans have caused cumulatively since 1750, and using consistent greenhouse gas accounting, Gerard Wedderburn-Bisshop has calculated that animal agriculture is responsible for 51% of the anthropogenic global warming on the planet, while fossil fuels and industry have contributed 25%.
Yet, the mainstream discourse is only about CO2, just one of 12 distinct anthropogenic heating and cooling gases and effects. “Just take a look,” say the climate spokespeople, “there is more CO2 emitted through fossil fuel combustion than through any other source.”
These climate spokespeople treat us as if we are simpletons lacking the mental capacity to process two or more factors simultaneously.
They think that we cannot walk and chew gum at the same time.
Otherwise, surely, there is someone at the UN with the capacity to accurately interpret their own data and articulate it truthfully?
It is tragic, even criminal, that most climate scientists are going along with this blatant misrepresentation of the data, even as millions of people die from climate related causes annually.
Those who subscribe to the oft-repeated cliche that “There is NO Planet B,” might think that we have no choice but to continue spiraling downward on our current path of self-destruction in the world of Planet A, drowning in this sea of lies.
That is simply not true. There IS a Planet B.
Planet B is our current world of Planet A turned upside down. It’s a world where we stop pretending that “the wickedest of men will do the wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone,” to quote John Maynard Keynes.
Imagine a world in which climate spokespeople tell the truth, a world in which we, the people collaborate with integrity to solve common problems, a world where we are encouraged to admit freely when we make a mistake so that it can be corrected, a world where we are all well-fed and healthy with our basic needs met, a world where we all belong in society with our inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, without exception.
That is Planet B.
Planet B is a world in which everyone knows that stopping fossil fuel use precipitously will increase anthropogenic global warming on the planet by 50%, from 2.6 W/m2 to 3.9 W/m2, in a matter of weeks.
Planet B is a world in which everyone knows that going Vegan and rewilding the planet can mitigate all six planetary boundary transgressions, potentially restoring the stable climate that humanity had enjoyed for 10,000 years in the pre-industrial era.
Planet B is a world in which everyone knows that fossil fuel use must be decreased gradually over a period of 2-3 decades only after the world first goes Vegan and rewilds the planet.
Are you passionate about creating such a Planet B? Do you feel frustrated about the limitations faced by scientists at the endlessly futile UN COPs?
Join us at the Vegan Convergence Of the Peoples (V-COPs) where climate scientists, Abraham Oort and Gerard Wedderburn-Bisshop, along with Capt. Paul Watson, Shankar Narayan, Emilia Leese and other distinguished speakers will discuss rewilding Planet B at the upcoming 20th V-COP event.
Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with experts and like-minded individuals. Register for this Zoom/Youtube/Facebook V-COP20 event to be part of the conversation.
Join us to create Planet B together.
Sign Our Open Letter to the UN IPCC
Please join our call to the UN IPCC to reveal the true impact of animal agriculture on climate change.
It is a technical letter intended for the scientists at the UN IPCC to help them break free from the shackles imposed by their political overlords, but please read through it and let us know if you would like to endorse it.
The instructions for endorsement are in RED at the top of the letter.
Will you join retired NOAA Climatologist, Dr. Abraham Oort, Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch, the founder of PETA, Ingrid Newkirk, Cowspiracy co-producers, Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, the Game Changers co-producer, Louie Psihoyos, actress Alexandra Paul and other distinguished signatories to endorse the letter?
A Call to Action
If this message has touched your heart and you want to act, then here are 3 easy steps YOU can take NOW to ACTUALLY make this happen:
1) Say out loud to yourself, THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN! IF you really mean it, then take the next two steps.
2) Write down the names of three people who will listen to you when you speak. Not that they are presupposed in any way, just that they will listen to you when you speak.
3) In the next 30 minutes, forward them this entire message with a simple personal statement that you think this needs to happen and you would like them to take these actions with you.
With much love,
(Alison, Amit, Anne, BJ, Carl, Dakota, Dani, Deborah, Debra, Gabriele, Giva, Jamen, Kelly, Ken, Krish, Lisa, Liz, Maggie, Marco, Paige, Pareen, Paul, Ray, Sailesh, Sarah, Shankar, Stacey, Suzanne, Tami and Vega, the Cow and Climate Healer and her Veguitas)
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