01 Nov Please Don’t Sit This One Out
“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn’t” – Mark Twain.
Share Vega’s message about animal agriculture and climate change.
Share Vega’s message about Food Healers.
Dear Climate Healers Family,
Happy World Vegan Day and Happy Deepavali! May the light of knowledge wash away the darkness of ignorance in your lives.
Please don’t sit this one out. And no, I’m not referring to the US election coming up next week.
I’m referring to V-COP19, the Vegan Convergence Of the Peoples #19, where we will be working on the roadmap to a Vegan World by 2026 as we transform Planet A into Planet B.
Planet B is the world of Planet A turned upside down.
Planet A is a company town.
The Company
The company is primarily in the business of addiction. It is incredibly profitable and makes its private stockholders fabulously wealthy. The company has numerous global subsidiaries that are either in the business of addiction or in providing the tools and technologies needed for the business of addiction.
In its early stages, the company ran an opium business and then it diversified into other addictive substances and compulsive behaviors – tea, coffee, meat, dairy, eggs, fish, processed foods loaded with sugar, oil and salt, and pharmaceuticals as well as the media and scientific apparatus needed to promote their consumption.
The company operated two huge opium factories in India in the 19th century and even went to war with China to force easy access to users there. One of these factories in Ghazipur, Bihar, India is still operating today, but it is now supplying opium for the pharmaceutical subsidiaries of the company.
The company was so filthy rich in the mid 19th century that it owned almost all of India. In today’s dollar terms, it was worth trillions. It even had its own army of over 200,000 soldiers, called sepoys, in India.
Then, in 1857, the soldiers in the company’s army rebelled.
We, Indians call it the First War of Independence. The company calls it the Sepoy Mutiny.
In order to quell the rebellion, the company enlisted the help of the British Armed Forces. In the next year, 1858, the company supposedly dissolved and handed over its possessions to the British crown in the largest ever transfer of wealth from a few private stockholders to the general public.
Please don’t believe that for a moment…
All indications are that the company merely melted into the shadows as its draconian policies in India remained largely the same even after the British crown took over. British parliamentary records show that as part of the British Empire, between 1857 and 1947, India was subjected to 25 engineered famines causing over 60 million Indians to die of starvation.
Great Britain had abolished slavery in 1833. Since then, an engineered famine became the preferred company mechanism to persuade Indians to migrate to distant lands as indentured laborers.
Most Indians who died of starvation during that time had physical bodies that could not store fat easily. Modern South Asians are descendants of those who could store fat easily and survived through the repeated famines.
As a result, modern South Asians comprise 25% of the global population, but a whopping 60% of the heart disease patients.
While the opium drug trade built the foundations of the company in the 17th to 19th centuries, today its edifice is built on the exploitation of animals and people. Starvation still remains the preferred means for labor recruitment with around 800 million people subject to starvation worldwide and 8 million dying annually of hunger and hunger-related causes.
The company now controls the media and the education systems on the planet. It controls how most people think, consume and behave.
Using its huge resources, the company has deceived people into believing that they must eat certain types of animal foods in order to survive. The company targets children with supermarkets displaying candies at eye level and with schools feeding children dairy and other addictive foods.
The company operates massive factories where billions of animals are bred, fed and killed around the clock. It is a huge operation occupying more than half the habitable land area of the planet as well as the entire ocean. It is a horror show on a planetary scale.
Scientific experts on the company payroll have genetically altered the animals to make them suitable for high volume production. Their breakthroughs in biochemistry and genetics have greatly increased profitability for the company.
The processes devised by the engineers on the company payroll generate an estimated 220 billion tons of environmental toxins annually. These toxins work their way up the food chain and get lodged in the bodies of the animals and ultimately the people who consume them as well.
The mass consumption of animal foods has led to tragic consequences for the people: they have become addicted to the foods and it has made them diseased and ravenous.
Scientists in the company payroll have invented pharmaceuticals to manage the symptoms of the diseases while allowing people to continue their addictions, making them easier to control.
The shareholders of the company have developed their own addictions; they have become obsessed in their pursuit of power and profit. They have become so reckless in that pursuit that the planet is now spiraling toward total ecological collapse.
Just a few days ago, the rain in Spain poured down in torrents and flooded the province of Valencia causing numerous deaths and cars to pile up in front of people’s homes.
A Small Group of People
A small group of people have managed to escape the company’s mind control. Either to heal our own diseases or out of concern for the planet or out of compassion for the animals or in our pursuit of spiritual growth, we have stopped eating the animal foods. As our addictions to the animal foods subside, our sensibilities are recovering and we have awakened to the vast deception and destruction perpetrated by the company.
This small group is growing in numbers now. The company aggressively suppresses us. We are branded as radicals, alarmists and outcasts. Our claims are dismissed as junk science.
Can this small group of people grow exponentially in number over the next few years and transform the company town of Planet A into the utopia of Planet B?
The Greatest Quest in the History of Humanity has begun. It is the age old quest for freedom and justice for all, but in this generation, we have no choice but to get it done right.
We are excited to host you for the Vegan Convergence Of the Peoples #19 (V-COP19) which will be conducted as a hybrid in-person/Zoom event.
Help us spread compassion, go Vegan and rewild planet Earth.
Join us for the Greatest Transformation in Human History!
Meet and greet with Climate Healers family members. Share thoughts and join the vision – Roadmap to Vegan World 2026: Rise of Planet B.
Nov 9 and 10, 2024 at Natural Grocers Community Event Center, 13802 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale AZ 85254.
To join us, please register here and we’ll see you all soon.
A Call to Action
If this message has touched your heart and you want to act, then here are 3 easy steps YOU can take NOW to ACTUALLY make this happen:
1) Say out loud to yourself, THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN! IF you really mean it, take the next two steps.
2) Write down the names of three people who will listen to you when you speak. Not that they are presupposed in any way, just that they will listen to you when you speak.
3) In the next 30 minutes, forward them this entire message with a simple personal statement that you think this needs to happen and you would like them to take these actions with you.
With much love,
Sailesh on behalf of the Climate Healers Core team.
(Alison, Anne, BJ, Carl, Dakota, Dani, Deborah, Debra, Gabriele, Giva, Jamen, Kelly, Ken, Krish, Lisa, Liz, Maggie, Marco, Paige, Pareen, Paul, Ray, Sailesh, Sarah, Shankar, Stacey, Suzanne, Tami and Vega, the Cow and Climate Healer and her Veguitas)
Dr Prabodh Mistry
Posted at 06:55h, 02 NovemberSenses of sapiens were captured by addictive substances and desirous objects. Such attachment has no limit, ultimately becoming the source of anger, that leads to delusion that leads to bewilderment of memory, that leads to loss of intelligence to fall into the material mess we see today (interpreted from Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, verses 62 and 63).
This V-COP19 is about reawakening our intelligence using truth with love.