20 Jan Vegan First. How Hard is That?
“When did fact checking and journalism go their separate ways?” – John Stewart.
Share Vega’s message about animal agriculture and climate change.
Share Vega’s message about Food Healers.
Dear Climate Healers Family,
The Newsweek article was an example of such irresponsible journalism that it even used the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), headed by a former dairy industry lobbyist, Tom Vilsack, as a source for the greenhouse gas emissions contribution of animal agriculture.
The very fact that the article was written by a graduate student and not a prominent academic should be a dead giveaway. Academics with a reputation to uphold must have declined to get their hands dirty and instead, Newsweek threw a graduate student under the bus to purvey its irresponsible journalism.
The academics have good reason to be hesitant. History is unlikely to be kind to all those who are conspiring to suppress the fact that animal agriculture is the leading cause of climate change.
Back in 2009, Goodland and Anhang had estimated that animal agriculture is responsible for at least 51% of greenhouse gas emissions annually. They arrived at this estimate by correcting miscounted emissions in the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)’s 2006 Livestock Long Shadow report and including uncounted emissions of the animal agriculture sector.
Coincidentally, Gerard Wedderburn-Bisshop has now shown that animal agriculture has caused 1.32 W/m2 or 51% of the anthropogenic global warming of 2.6 W/m2 from 1750 to 2020.
In contrast, fossil fuels and industry have caused just 0.64 W/m2 or 25% of this global warming.
This is mainly because fossil fuel combustion also results in the emissions of cooling gases such as sulphur dioxide (SO2), which have contributed 1.27 W/m2 of global surface cooling from 1750 to 2020.
If we eliminate fossil fuel combustion precipitously, then that will increase anthropogenic global warming by nearly 50%, from 2.6 W/m2 to 3.87 W/m2 in a matter of weeks, since these cooling gases have a half-life of a few hours to 3 weeks in the atmosphere.
Therefore, the safest way to address climate change is for the world to urgently go Vegan first and then take a nuanced approach to reducing fossil fuel combustion over the next 2-3 decades, as we showed in the Climate Bathtub model.
This is the exact opposite of what we still keep hearing from journalism outlets like Newsweek. It is also the exact opposite of what we still keep hearing from the Climate Reality Project, 350.org, Climate Action Network or even the Union of Concerned Scientists, who speak incessantly about reducing fossil fuel combustion without breathing a word about going Vegan first.
This is truly baffling. Through deliberately misinforming the public, are they all itching to get sued for the damages caused by the Los Angeles fires and other climate related disasters?
Vegan First. How hard is that?
That’s what the facts show we must do if humanity wishes to address climate change seriously. As Daniel Patrick Moynihan said, “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts.”
Join us at the Vegan Convergence Of the Peoples (V-COPs) where Capt. Paul Watson, Linda Middlesworth, Jane Velez-Mitchell, Aviram Rozin and other distinguished speakers will be presenting facts at the upcoming 20th V-COP event.
Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with experts and like-minded individuals. Register for this Zoom/Youtube/Facebook V-COP20 event to be part of the conversation.
Join us to create a safe and just world together.
Sign Our Open Letter to the UN IPCC
Please join our call to the UN IPCC to stop fudging the data on the true impact of animal agriculture on climate change.
It is a technical letter intended for the scientists at the UN IPCC to help them break free from the shackles imposed by their political overlords, but please read through it and let us know if you would like to endorse it.
The instructions for endorsement are in RED at the top of the letter.
Will you join retired NOAA Climatologist, Dr. Abraham Oort, Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch, the founder of PETA, Ingrid Newkirk, Cowspiracy co-producers, Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, the Game Changers co-producer, Louie Psihoyos, actress Alexandra Paul and other distinguished signatories to endorse the letter?
A Call to Action
If this message has touched your heart and you want to act, then here are 3 easy steps YOU can take NOW to ACTUALLY make this happen:
1) Say out loud to yourself, THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN! IF you really mean it, then take the next two steps.
2) Write down the names of three people who will listen to you when you speak. Not that they are presupposed in any way, just that they will listen to you when you speak.
3) In the next 30 minutes, forward them this entire message with a simple personal statement that you think this needs to happen and you would like them to take these actions with you.
With much love,
(Alison, Amit, Anne, BJ, Carl, Dakota, Dani, Deborah, Debra, Gabriele, Giva, Jamen, Kelly, Ken, Krish, Lisa, Liz, Maggie, Marco, Paige, Pareen, Paul, Ray, Sailesh, Sarah, Shankar, Stacey, Suzanne, Tami and Vega, the Cow and Climate Healer and her Veguitas)
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