The Courage to Create Systemic Change

“To be rid of illusions, if it does not break our courage, is a liberating experience” – John Macmurray.


Share Vega’s message about animal agriculture and climate change.
Share Vega’s message about Food Healers.

Dear Climate Healers Family,

The road to sustainability meanders through changes in culture, mindset, lifestyle and systems.

We know that sustainability is achieved when humans routinely give more to the planet than take from the planet.

We also know that by adopting a healthy Vegan lifestyle while collaborating to rewild the planet in the ocean and on the land released from the clutches of the animal agriculture industry, humanity can address all the global environmental challenges including climate change.

The question arises whether such a change in lifestyle is even possible given that animal agricultural exceptionalism is infused throughout our culture including science, while only a single digit percentage of people around the world have consciously adopted a Vegan lifestyle to date?

Consider that there are two kinds of human beings in the world:
1) Vegans, and
2) Closeted Vegans

We know this because we have never met a single person who would deliberately hurt an innocent animal unnecessarily. Therefore, in our hearts, all of us are Vegan, but for most of us, who we are and what we do are not yet in alignment.

This misalignment can be viewed as a separation from our true Nature, which is the root cause of our inner spiritual crisis and which collectively manifests as an outer environmental crisis. This diagnosis was confirmed by over 40 Interfaith leaders, including the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who signed the Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change in 2011. The declaration read, in part,

“While climate change is a symptom, the fever that our Earth has contracted, the underlying disease is the disconnection from creation that plagues human societies throughout our Earth. We, the undersigned, pledge to heal this disconnection by promoting and exemplifying compassion for all creation in all our actions.”

The more modern the human societies, the more disconnected they are from Nature, with the peak reached in Modern Techno-Industrial (MTI) Societies. But that disconnection is a delusion and it is time to see through that delusion and consciously reconnect with animals and Nature.

It is time to bring our actions into alignment with our hearts and thus alleviate our self-inflicted collective suffering.

When nearly 60% of the audience voted for the proposition, “This House Would Go Vegan,” at the Oxford Union debate in Nov 2023, it became clear that our planetary future is Vegan. The sooner we joyfully seize this future instead of fearfully clinging to our violence drenched past, the easier it will be for us to repair the life support systems of the planet.

We must do this because we love this planet. We must do this because we love our children and the children of all species. But to do this, we also have to believe in things we have not seen before.

We have to believe that wild animal populations can increase year on year, chemical pollution can be reduced around the world, ocean dead zones can be shrunk and the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere can decrease from one year to the next. Only with such belief can we truly work on the necessary engineering task of repairing the life support systems of the planet.

This bright future is in our hearts, minds, hands, spirits, and especially, our stories and games. At Climate Healers, we begin with three foundational axioms:

1) Nature is the perfect system design.

We believe that there are no mistakes in Nature, but only misunderstandings about Nature.

The mainstream thinking is that humans have been exploiting and destroying Nature, but in our story, Nature has been employing humans to heat up the Earth’s climate, to prevent the Earth from going back to another ice age.

Now, Nature is sending us clear signals both individually in the form of rampant chronic diseases and collectively in the form of biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change that our Climate Heating phase is over and that we need to consciously transition to our Climate Healing phase as soon as possible.

2) Life is incredibly resilient.

Life on Earth has been around continuously for an estimated 3.7 billion years and as part of that resilience, life increases in complexity to overcome environmental challenges.

As the Sun got warmer and warmer over time, and at the inner edge of the Habitable Zone around the Sun, the Earth spawned us as a species in order to create all the necessary tools and technologies for homeostasis on planet Earth.

As soon as we admitted that humans are responsible for warming the climate of the planet, we also implicitly shouldered the responsibility for stabilizing the climate of the planet.

We are the Thermostat species of the planet, whether we like it or not. All the other species are counting on us to do our job with integrity so that life may continue to thrive on planet Earth.

Humans now have a definite purpose and a vital role to play in the well-being of our beautiful planet.

3) Humans are just as capable of organizing for Peace as for War.

We believe that humans are neither all good nor all evil, but that we all have constructive and destructive tendencies in us. The stories we tell and the games we play to collaborate among millions and billions of us dictate which of these two tendencies we foster systematically.

During our Climate Heating phase, mainly over the past 10,000 years, we have fostered our destructive tendencies using stories that normalized violence, while playing finite games that rewarded selfishness and greed.

Next, during our Climate Healing phase, we have to reorganize ourselves to foster our constructive tendencies using stories that normalize nonviolence, while mainly playing infinite games that reward selflessness and generosity. The Vegan Rewilding solution to our existential crisis is resonant with this phase.

The general public seems to have embraced the Vegan Rewilding solution despite it being ignored in official circles.

Not only did a majority of the audience at the Oxford Union, nearly 60%, agree that our future is Vegan, a majority of people in Western countries are consciously consuming Vegan versions of common animal products even if they don’t identify themselves as Vegan. Recently, 60% of the menu items at the 2024 Paris Olympics were Vegan.

The future is Vegan. What is stopping us from seizing this future instead of clinging to our violent past?

At the United Nations (UN), it appears that the main nation impeding this future is the United States of America. The US government has not yet ratified the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and it has vetoed the UN from recommending the Vegan Rewilding solution to our existential crisis, while stubbornly insisting that “the American way of life is not negotiable.”

However, to paraphrase Vice President Kamala Harris,

“The American people deserve better. The American people deserve a government that tells the truth, a government that does not respond with hostility and anger when confronted with the facts.”

When the US entered the Second World War and radically altered its economy to combat the threat of global fascism, a relieved Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain supposedly said,

“You can always count on Americans to do the right thing after they have exhausted all other alternatives.”

Over the past three decades, the US government has exhausted all other alternatives to deal with our global existential crisis. It has also exhausted the patience of the rest of the world as over 20 million climate migrants flee the ravages of environmental destruction annually.

Now, the US has no choice but to muster the courage to create systemic change.

Go Vegan and rewild the planet.

Let’s get on with it.

With much love,
Sailesh on behalf of the Climate Healers Core team.
(Alison, Anne, BJ, Carl, Dakota, Dani, Deborah, Debra, Gabriele, Giva, Jamen, Kelly, Ken, Kimaya, Krish, Lisa, Liz, Maggie, Marco, Paige, Pareen, Paul, Ray, Sailesh, Sarah, Shankar, Stacey, Suzanne, Tami and Vega, the Cow and Climate Healer and her Veguitas)

Sailesh Rao
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